Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy Days

The kids asleep by 7.30pm, a glass of wine and some crochet - Happy Days!!!


  1. God I miss my kids falling asleep early. Bedtime now does my head in. Delays, arguments and silliness, but they still want me to read to them!

  2. I've never tried crochet - me and yarns don't really get on very well but yours looks lovely and yea to kids and in bed on time!

  3. Thirsty of them already! I'll nick your fantastic a glass of wine and some crafting on the sofa soon. (I nearly typed whine. Quite the Freudian slip, eh?)

  4. Yes, if anyone in my house was asleep by 7:30 I would break out the bubbly!! Love your colourful granny squares.

  5. oh my goodness that sounds like bliss.
